An uplifting feeling.
Not that things didn’t get better from time to time and I got the routine of filling the machine, firing it up, winding it up and marching off.
The pesticides are mixed in a 10 liter canister, the number of spray fillings is then calculated, and then the measured liters are simply put into the sprayer and filled up with water.
No more lugging around PPP, faster filling of the syringe and thus an acceleration of the process. There I find myself again.
In IT we call this process optimization and it doesn’t stop at the vineyard.
What had ended in an almost endless loss of time during one of the previous spray coats has now been made up for. We had enough water and petrol with us, the syringe was cleaned and not clogged, the voting went well. Where to refill and when and by that I mean the pit stops in the vineyard.
My husband almost timed the time it took us to send me back into the vineyard. Like the pit stop.
Unfortunately, I need more than 9 seconds, but we were able – as I said – to reduce the time significantly.