7/9/16 – Finally a professional
An uplifting feeling. Not that things didn’t get better from time to time and I got the routine of filling the machine, firing it up, winding it up and marching off. The pesticides are mixed in a 10 liter canister, the number of spray fillings is then calculated, and then the measured liters are simply […]
06/24/16 – When the gas runs out…
Were outside again today. With the homeopathic amounts of pesticides I need for my 30 ares and my husband’s words: “And that helps…?” – When I look at the result so far, I have to say: “Yes!” At first you think you’ve miscalculated, then you soon realize that’s not the case, but you’re still surprised, but […]
06/17/16 – degrees still…
Less than 8 days later and I’m already here again. In the vines for spraying. Then come the questions from family and friends: “What? Yet again?” I actually had it in my head that you have to go out about every 10-12 days, but I have learned that this year is extreme. A lot of people haven’t experienced it […]
06/11/16 – Weatherman
I’m half a meteorologist now. I have all the weather forecasts at a glance and could soon provide hour-by-hour information on when it will rain and how much. It’s unbelievable how quickly one develops into an expert in some subjects. I’m very excited. So I already knew on Friday that only Saturday morning would be suitable […]
06/05/16 – Let the spray thriller begin…
I’m half a meteorologist now. I have all the weather forecasts at a glance and could soon provide hour-by-hour information on when it will rain and how much. It’s unbelievable how quickly one develops into an expert in some subjects. I’m very excited. So I already knew on Friday that only Saturday morning would be suitable […]